How can I access to see my subjects and corresponding material being an Erasmus student in the University of Seville?

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How can I access to see my subjects and corresponding material being an Erasmus student in the University of Seville?
This is a little help to the newcomers Erasmus Students.
Once you matriculated or registered you have an access to see your subjects and all the material given by your professors. How? Follow these steps:
Step 1:
This is the official webpage of the University of Seville. You can find here most of the things related with the university life.
Step 2: Looking at the right side of the page, search: Lo más visitado (the most visited) à Universidad Virtual à Enseñanza Virtual.
Step 3: Type your virtual user and password (previously received at your center) à Iniciar sesión
Step 4: Here you can see four titles:
Mis anuncios (my listings): Provide important new information about course, dates, notes published, and review of exams.
Mi calendario (my calendar): Information about important details, exams, etc.
Mis cursos (my couses): Here can find your subjects, click in each one to see subject-matter given by the professors. Normally subject-matter is organized by lesson in different folders, as readings and group’s work.
Mis tareas (my tasks): Homework related with the matter.

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